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- About Carel Lanters
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About Carel Lanters
Carel Lanters (Didam, 1955) is a sculptor, graphic artist, photographer and draftsman who lives and works in the Spijkerkwartier in Arnhem. Carel trained at the Academy of Arts in Enschede (AKI, 1976-1981). His mentors included the Arnhem artist Ad Gerritsen and the Icelandic artist Sigurdur Gudmundsson. From 2006 to 2014 he was a sculpture teacher at ArtEZ Institute of the Arts Arnhem Fine Art department and he is still a beloved mentor of students and ex-students of Artez on a project basis. He is married to the artist Eun Young Lee.
Through a form of sublimation he tries to subtly sharpen perception. He is not tied to a technique or material. The concept is decisive. He experiments with ideas and techniques, regularly using the hermetic sciences as a starting point. Topics such as alchemy fascinate him and are often a reason to arrive at a form.
Carel Lanters is a sought-after maker of art for public spaces and he creates many monumental works. He integrates his working method into daily life, for example by arranging or deforming street furniture in a new way. His projects for public space are regularly created in consultation with those directly involved. Carel Lanters’ work can be admired in the public spaces of many municipalities, including: Bilthoven, Nijmegen, Heemstede, Zeist, Elst, Emmen, Amsterdam, Arnhem and Dordrecht.
The techniques he uses in his work can be diverse and depend on the goal to be determined. A work of art intended for public space may require a study of the environment, population, history, etc. The resulting concept is followed by techniques and materials such as casting bronze and aluminum or constructions or ceramics.
In addition to his commissioned work, he develops objects, images,
installations and photography (specialization: pinhole and stereo photography), which he regularly exhibits.
Lanters also acts frequently as a concept developer and curator of exhibitions. He is an advocate of collaboration between novice and more experienced artists in projects and presentation
His visual work is regularly alternated with sound performances, in which he uses self-developed horns (the so-called paragons) and the Uilleann pipes (Irish bag pipes) in collaboration with other performers.
Work by Carel Lanters is included in the collections of the Gemeentemuseum The Hague, CODA Apeldoorn, Museum for Modern Art Arnhem, the ABN AMRO collection, AKZO Nobel art collection, Rijnstate art collection and several provincial collections.
Lanters regularly exhibits at leading galleries such as Espace Enny, Arttra Gallery, Amsterdam and Galerie 0-68 in Velp. Internationally, Lanters was active in South Korea, Switzerland and Ireland.
Lanters has a special bond with Ireland, where he has traveled extensively and has also spent several times as an artist in residence.
Several publications have been published about his work, focusing in particular on his work with masks and sound performances. In the publication ‘Carel Lanters’ published in Arnhem, 1991, author Gerrit Willems writes this about Lanters’ work:
‘Anything can be a reason for the artist to incorporate it into his art: nature, literature, dream images, trivial images from everyday life or sublime examples from art history, really anything. But naming an artist’s source of inspiration does not bring you any closer to the secret of his art. The fact that certain images are a starting point does not say everything about the final result, which is achieved in a mysterious and almost inaccessible process. You can have words in mind and express thoughts in words. It is equally mysterious – for now – to have images in mind
and express thoughts in images. A thought becomes an image and the image continues the thought, you could say (with a nod to the poet Nijhoff). One image gives rise to another, that is thinking in the visual arts.’
2006-2015 ArtEZ university of the arts, Arnhem, teacher spatial design and coaching, Fine Art
2007-now Teacher ArtEZ Art & Design pre-educational program; guest tutor; workshops and masters
2008 Cooordinator experimental minor Wanderwort with exhibition in the Coda Museum, Apeldoorn
2011-2012 Founder/coordinator minor Exposure ArtEZ Art & Design, in collaboration with Tamara Rookus
2012-2013 Projects in Artoll (D) with students of ArtEZ fine art Arnhem and Enschede
Guest teacher roles ArtEZ university of the arts AKI, Enschede; Willem de Koning Academy for Visual Art, Rotterdam; St. Lucas Academy for Visual Art, Brussel; ArtEZ Conservatory and Dance departments
Workshops and masterclasses in Pinhole photography; Plaatsmaken, NH archives Haarlem, etc.
Curator (a selection)
2000 Draußen vor der Tür, Archipel, Apeldoorn;
Amulet d’arbre, De Vijf Zinnen, Arnhem
2004 Zucht, Paraplufabriek Nijmegen (in collaboration with Paul Donker Duyvis)
2007 MIR in collaboration with Rob Voerman, Alphons ter Avest and Jerome Symons
2008 Wanderwort, experimental minor and exhibition in the Coda Museum Apeldoorn
Non Digital Garden, Espace Enny, Laagkeppel
Gietwerk, about the bronze-foundry de Olifant, CBK Nijmegen, in collaboration with casper ter Heerdt
Soundscape, Espace Enny
2012 & 2013
Exhibition after project weeks in Artoll Kunstlabor, Bedburg-Hau (Germany) 2013
Phantom Reality Reset, Tetem, Enschede; groepstentoonstelling op basis van projecties
Curator Oostenwind; Alumni artschools ArtEZ Arnhem and Enschede in Delta Lloyd Amsterdam
Soundscape ll Espace Enny, Laag Keppel; Alumni ArtEZ in stadhuishal Arnhem; Alliander, Kleefse waard Arnhem, voor Allego; 10 schetsontwerpen en 5 opdrachten door ArtEZ Fine Art Alumni (Arnhem en Enschede).
2016 & 2017
NUN expo ruimte, Arnhem; Duende in VM23; Beeldenstorm in VM23, Arnhem
Spurensicherung; Artoll Bedburg Hau (D) en Circa… Dit, Arnhem
La Condition Humaine; Circa Dit Arnhem. Met Eibert Jonker, Lee Eun Young, Carel Lanters en Cho Yun Jei
Secret Tools; casting aluminium for alumni; masterclass and exhibition in the toolshop and in Circa… Dit Arnhem
Das Wasser fließt die Grenze entlang (the water flows along the border) Work period and exhibition i.c.w. Lucas Sloot
- Basic scholarship, Fund for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture, Amsterdam;
- Scholarship educational fund for artists: 3x artist in residence;
- Scholarship educational fund for artists: casting certificate
- Different scholarships and subsidies from municipal and provincial government agencies
- Haags Gemeente Museum, The Hague;
- Museum of modern art, Apeldoorn;
- ABN-Amro collection, Amsterdam;
- Provincie Gelderland collection, Arnhem;
- Provincie Noord Holland collection, Haarlem;
- Rijnstate ziekenhuis collection, Arnhem;
- Aras Eanna art centre, Ireland;
- Godot, Seoul, South Korea;
- Private collectors in The Netherlands and in foreign countries
- Áras Éanna, Inis Oírr, Ireland; (1x in Aras Eanna and 10 x in other places on the island)
- Polranny Pirates, Achill Island, Ireland
- Artoll germany (5x)
(a selection from 1998 onwards)
- Can you show me the way to the CBK? Municipality of Emmen; 160 enamel plates Sublimation, municipality of Dordrecht, oud Krispijn, CBK
- The Branch of Salzburg, the seven stages of love, over the heap (Stendhal), Zeist.
- Lotus, artwork at the marriage entrance of the town hall of Diemen
- Lily, Afferden, municipality of Bergen (L)
- Sculpture on the town square in Nieuwveen, municipality of Liemeer
- A botanical tour, Goede Herder wijk, Laren
- Kastanjedroom (Chestnut dream), sculpture in the Valkhofpark, Nijmegen
- Entrance, Amstelpark, Amsterdam Fund for the Arts, Amsterdam
- Sculpture, st. Quivan’s Cross, Inis Oirr, Ireland
- The Seaweed Bridge, Hoorn
- Heemstede, bronze tree grid with gryphons
- Design of the special coin 400 years NL-USA minister of Finance
- Design entrance building, Thialf, Arnhem
- Design proposal: The Walk, Oostheempark, Zoetermeer
- Pieces of Mind (“Denkbeelden”), 100 objects placed in niches in the new residential area Westeraam in Elst
- Extention of “Sublimation” Dordrecht, 1998, square and façade hamam
- Design of an image at the IJssel riverside in Kampen
- Dragon Fence, sculpture as portal for primary school de Toonladder, Nieuwegein
- Monument for nature, Drentse AA, Province of Drenthe
- Municipality of Veldhoven, Oerle, community art project
- Municipality of Arnhem Malburgen, proposal fountain-sculpture on roundabout
- Chestnut dream ll, Nijmegen
- Jeanne d’Arc, Arnhem
- Commission “Menthol and Roosje”, Hengelo. (in collaboration with locals and companies in Hengelo)
- The memory tree. Rijnstate art collection Arnhem, courtyard hospital.
- Design commission het Barghse Huus, s-Heerenbergh
- Eibergen – realisation 2021 Route fron centre to the river Berkel using Photography on enamel
- De Spiegel school in the Hague i.s.m. Stroom den Haag – proposal
- Proposal for De Rijp, Alkmaar
- Entrance Gallery O-68, Velp NL
- Realisation ‘Berkelroute’ in Eibergen, township Berkelland
- Development and casting a virtual and real bronze flask for a game-app
- Proposal for Steenderen, a weird bus shelter
- Proposal for Lingewaard, Huissen municipality; a shelter in stained glass
- Seascape, Spiegel school, the Hague i.c.w. Stroom (in progress)
- study assignment -art in the neighborhood Bleric, Venlo
Other activities
1981 — heden
- Development of performances with sound objects using the uilleann pipes and much more (see projects)
1984 — 1988
- Member of the commission for exhibitions, art centre De Gele Rijder, Arnhem
- Member of the advisory board for cultural herritage, municipality of Zutphen
1997 — heden
- Co-founder and chairman Foundation The Realists, stereo photography
2000 — 2004
- Member of the advisory board for visual art, municipality of Arnhem
2001 — 2005
- Member of the advisory board for cultural planning, Province of Noord-Holland
2005 — 2008
- State Commissioner / external advisor on the graduation of a number of art academies
(a selection from 1981 onwards) D = duo, S = solo
- De Branderij, Unreasonable optimism 2, Antwerpen BE
- Museum of Modern Art Arnhem, Made in Arnhem and Inis Oίrr (S)
- Seoul International Art Festival, South Korea;
- Museum of Modern Art, Harbin, China
- Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, NL
- Queeste, gestolde herinnering (soldified memory), Arnhem, NL (S)
- 4e Höhler Biennial, Gera, Germany (The Realists)
- Art Crumbles, Nijmegen, NL (The Realists)
- New Saints, Gallery Objectief, Enschede NL (The Realists)
- The Lecturer and His Students, Kunstverein Das Haus im Park, Emmerich, Germany (D)
- Tekeningen, Áras Éanna T H Gallery, Galway, Ireland
- Gelderland Biennial, Valkhof Museum, Nijmegen, NL (The Realists)
- Prima Materia, curated and participation, gallery Espace Enny, Laag-Keppel, NL
- The Beckettness of Inis Oìrr, interdisciplinary project with visual art, music and theatre (2011 — 2013) Aras Eanna Ireland. (S) until 2015
- SART, NANO Gold, stereo photography, Nano lab. University of Twente, NL (The Realists)
- voorBEELDEN exhibition Nederlandse kring voor beeldhouwers (Dutch circle for sculptors), WZ Amsterdam, NL
- Pronounceables II, Gallery Arttra Amsterdam, NL (S)
- Pronounceables III, Gallery Espace Enny, Laag-Keppel, NL (D)
- Phantom reality reset, Tetem Enschede in collaboration with de Wattmannen Artist in residency Achill Island, Ireland with exposure
Duende, VM23 Arnhem, curated and participation, Silence is like breathing NL- SILENCE OUT LOUD. Museum Kranenburgh. Bergen NL
- Deseos del espiritu in collaboration with Aracelly Scheper in Art Gallery O-68 Velp NL (D)
- Arttra gallery Amsterdam, NL (S)
- NUN, Arnhem, NL
- Code Rood Arnhem (D) Circl, Amsterdam, NL
- Code Rood in collaboration with Mirka Farabegoli, Arnhem ,NL
- NUN, Arnhem in collaboration with M. Farabegoli, Arnhem, NL
- NUN, Arnhem in collaboration with Jan Wierda and Frans van Nunen
- Performance in collaboration with Mick O’Shea, The Guesthouse, Cork, Ireland
- Performance/installation in Museum Modern Art, Arnhem; with Masha Bronnikova
- Voorbijgang in collaboration with Jeroen Huisman in Het Damhuis, Winssen
- Spurensicherung 1 Artoll Kunstlabor, Bedburg-Hau, Duitsland
- Spurensicherung 2 Circa…dit, Arnhem
- Piece coin, Artborne Project during the Airborne walking tour in Oosterbeek, NL
- Contested space: B53, Arnhem
- The Circle: Kunst en Poezie-festival, Schokland. In samenwerking met Masha Bronnikova
- The Gym: Ellecom, i.s.m. Aracelly Scheper
- Toxic Bunker: The Artist as a Cockroach, samengesteld door Mirka Farabegoli. (her residency on location, studio Omstand)
- Storage and retrieve: Circa Dit, Arnhem
- Zinder-expo, Tiel: Storytellers
- Circa Dit, Arnhem; icw Yun Chei, pinhole portraits of passers by
- Circa Dit, Arnhem: la condition humaine, with Lee Eun Young, Eibert Jonker and Yun Chei
- Portraits of a Gym, Galerie 38 Rheden; icw Aracelly Scheper
- The Bookstore, Pleinkamer, Amsterdam: Portraits of a Gym; icw Aracelly Scheper
- The Bookstore, Pleinkamer, Amsterdam: pinhole portraits of passers by on the square; icw Aracelly Scheper
- Plaatsmaken, Arnhem; Seventeen Seconds with Joan van Barneveld en Tony Docekal
- Plaatsmaken, Arnhem; Wandering Songs
- Seaweed revisited, Underground, Acec, Apeldoorn
- The 28th Seoul International Art Festival 2021
- Circa Dit, Arnhem: Nice to meet
- the thread of life and the philosopher’s stone; in Arttra, Amsterdam i.c.w. Lee Eun Young
- Das Wasser fließt die Grenze entlang i.c.w Lucas Sloot, Circa… Dit, Arnhem
- Patchwork i.c.w. Lee Eun Young, Watou, preparation for participation Art and Poetry Art festival 2024 in Watou België
- Stroom, Den Haag, exhibition about art at schools
- Landscape of Imagination, Watou, participation in Art and Poetry Art festival 2024
- ACEC Hoe is het nu 2024
- the thread of life and the philosopher’s stone, Arttra gallery, Amsterdam
- the Elephant , Het Valkhofmuseum, Nijmegen; about casting bronze and aluminium
- Het KunstTorentje and the eight StuiverTorentjes, Almelo (6 okt. – 17 nov.)