La Condition Humaine
Poster for the exhibition
CL speaks about the project in which more than 100 passers-by are portrayed with a pinhole camera. Exposure times from 10 to 60 sec.
Double portrait of an elderly couple
stereo image using 2 pinhole cameras. see these spatial with cross eyed viewing
Under the title “La Condition Humaine”, Lee Eun Young, Eibert Jonker, Cho Yun Jei and Carel Lanters exhibited in Circa… Dit (Arnhem, NL).
The Projects are reflections of encounters in public space.
This process continued during the exhibition, with a renewed vision for this, throughout the rest of August 2020.
Eibert allowed visitors to make sensory self-portraits by engaging in dialogues.
Eun Young used newspapers, in the form of garments, to show the embodiment of our time.
Yun Chei and Carel recorded encounters, through pinhole photography, in which the exposure time registers the underlying character of the passers-by.
In a second exhibition period, ‘Experiments on Reality’, Carel collaborated with Eibert Jonker and 4 students from the ArtEZ dance academy in Arnhem: Adrian Thoemmes, Mireia Varón, Amit Palgi and Naomi Schouten.
In a few sessions, dance pose-compositions were captured with a pinhole camera with an average exposure time of 30 sec. 18 of them can be seen here; plus a stereo image in color which can be seen spatially through cross eye viewing.
Year / Years: